How to find the best Email Marketing Software?

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Published on February 18, 2022

Email Marketing SoftwareEmail marketing is one of the most effective modes to connect with the target audience and share informative content on products and services they need to purchase. The process of sharing content through emails gets better when your target audience voluntarily subscribes to your email list to know more about your business. If you don’t have the right email marketing software, it becomes difficult for you to educate your target audience and build seamless communication that results in good customer acquisition.

While investing in email marketing, it’s essential to select the right email marketing software that resonates with your email marketing needs in creating and running email campaigns smoothly, which produces better results. Let’s discuss a few tips to help you to select the right email marketing solution.

Ease of integrating contacts 

While choosing the right email marketing solution, you must ensure that it should work in sync with your existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. Not only has this but also enables you to integrate your existing contacts that help in creating the best email campaigns ever possible. Nobody likes to waste their time importing contacts manually. Instead, use a perfect email marketing tool that fetches all contacts automatically from your system to create a better email marketing campaign. Once your email software integrates your contacts, you can easily create highly targeted mailing lists and also segment your audience into customer categories with the help of this software to deliver relevant content.

Options to preview emails

Nowadays, emails are not only seen by the audience on their desktop but also on the mobile, tablet, and so on. A random study stated the fact that 65% of emails are opened on mobile devices or tablets. Due to this while looking for the right email marketing tool you must ensure the emails created and sent by the software are easily accessible and viewable on all kinds of devices and screens. This is a crucial feature that any good email marketing software offers because it helps you to preview your email’s overall looks and formats that differ from device to device. Using this feature of previewing emails helps you in making changes in the format based on the device it will be viewed and hence you can create highly responsive email campaigns.

Ability to monitor results

It’s of no use to create and run an email marketing campaign until you know how to measure its results and overall performance. While driving an email marketing campaign you should have a strong understanding of your email’s performance. Hence, while choosing the right email marketing tool you must ensure it empowers you to measure the performance of campaigns throughout. This will help you to enhance the performance of your future campaigns and achieve desired results in terms of better open, click, and subscribe rates. All of these elements such as open, click-through rate (CTR), and conversion rate are essential email analytics that any perfect email marketing software should track.

All-in-one software

While choosing the right email marketing solution, you must look for software that helps you in multiple ways and simplifies your entire email marketing process. There are many elements involved in an email campaign, and it is crucial to keep all organized. Here you need a power of email automation that can keep things organized. It helps you in the creation of emails right from the start like segmenting the audience, creating emails in a few clicks by using pre-built email templates, sending emails, monitoring the performance, and so on. SalezShark Connect+ is one of the effective email marketing automation suites that acts as all-in-one email marketing software and performs all these email activities seamlessly. It enables you to create, send, and monitor your email marketing campaigns all under one platform that saves you productive hours and improves your email campaign’s results.

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