Best Email Marketing Practices to Boost Customer Engagement

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Published on September 14, 2021

email marketing practicesIn a highly competitive environment for businesses to engage customers is more challenging than ever before. To overcome such challenges, seamless communication with customers can be a key to enhance customer engagement. Building email marketing campaigns is one of the best ways to establish seamless communication with customers and engage them. However, the dynamics of engaging customers through email marketing have also evolved with time. Email marketing practices that were best a few years back are no more best practices now. So, here we’ve put together a few best email marketing practices to boost customer engagement.

Create a smart email list

Before starting any new email marketing campaign you should know your target audience first. Think about how your email can be informative and beneficial for your target audience? How can your emails connect to your target audience’s needs? If you have answers to such questions then it becomes easy to make a smart email list of contacts where you can add only those email recipients who are more likely to be interested in knowing your products and services. SalezShark Connect+ helps you in this process by offering you an integrated database where you can filter and download a list of contacts that match the parameter of your ideal customer profile. In this manner, by using Connect+ you can create a smart list of email contacts in a few clicks and start building highly targeted email campaigns that result in better emails’ open rate, click rate, and subscribe rate.

Keep subject lines crisp

Another best email marketing practice while creating a subject line for your email try to use up to 7-9 words and up to 50-60 characters in it. Your subject line leaves the first impression on your email recipient, so it should be short, crisp, and at the same time catchy enough that encourages the email recipient to open your email. By keeping your email’s subject line simple, short, and crisp you ensure the email recipient in one go just by looking at the subject line understands what your email is all about and how it can be helpful to him/her.

Personalize with customers

Your email recipients are not only receiving emails from you but also from many other businesses. In such a situation, you need to frame the email body i.e. the content of your email in a manner that can resonate with the email recipients’ pain points, needs, and expectations. By looking at your email, email recipients should right away understand how seriously you think about them and can match up to their needs and expectations. Hence try to personalize with your email recipient by framing the content of your email that is based on their interests. And last but not least never forget to put your email recipient’s first name in the subject line and in the greeting as well.

Add CTAs (Call-to-action)

Adding CTAs into your email is one of the best email marketing practices that every brand should follow to increase customer engagement. By adding CTAs into your emails you initiate two-way communication with your email recipient; it is the most interactive way to begin email communication. CTAs sole purpose is to encourage email recipients to take some action which you want from them. However, while placing CTAs into your email you should be very careful as randomly placed CTAs bring no effective results. Try to add CTAs that should relate to your email content and not sound as if you are forcing email recipients to buy from you. It should sound as if you are educating them to know more and how by clicking on that CTA you can help them.

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