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SalezShark Email Integration CRM in the United Kingdom

Email integration in CRM offers you immense efficiency to drive the email process seamlessly. It automates your entire email management process right from creating emails to sending emails and finally tracking the performance of emails. Hence, it helps you in driving email activities in more than one way. The best part about email integration with CRM is that all of the email activities like creating, sending, and tracking emails can be easily done in a few clicks right from the CRM. SalezShark CRM email integration helps you to do it effectively and enables you in driving your email management activities seamlessly by automating the entire email process.

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Advantages of SalezShark Email Integration CRM United Kingdom

Driving email process manually is not only a time-consuming and tedious process but also ends up in a lot of human-bound errors that adversely affect the performance of your email campaigns, causing a major dip in customer communication & sales. In such a scenario, by automating the entire email management process, SalezShark email integration in CRM helps you overcome such challenges. This CRM helps you in automating all sorts of email activities that primarily involve email creation, sending emails, and finally assessing the performance of email campaigns. The foremost reason for using SalezShark email integration in CRM is it helps you in driving your email campaigns seamlessly in no time and improving its performance in terms of enhancing the open rate of emails, click rate, and subscribe rate. It also helps in reducing the bounce rate of your emails.

SalezShark email integration CRM United Kingdom helps you to sync your Gmail inbox to SalezShark CRM. Hence your email software and CRM come together on one unified platform of SalezShark that helps in improving your email productivity. We all are aware of the fact that communicating with prospects/customers through emails is the mode of establishing long-lasting relationships. However, if you driving this process manually, then it can be a time-consuming and herculean task for you as you are constantly switching between your Gmail inbox and CRM to send emails and record your email recipients’ responses. However, by implementing SalezShark email integration, you can access and manage your 3rd party email account(s) directly from your SalezShark account without any need of switching back and forth.

Achieve more sales & productivity

SalezShark email integration in CRM also plays a vital role in scaling up your email management activities by connecting your Gmail inbox to SalezShark CRM. It eases your job of connecting your calendar and existing conversations with prospects and existing customers. It helps you in keeping records of customers’ interactions by automatically recording them and also helps you in mapping all incoming emails of respective customers and possible deals. It automates your entire email process by automating the sending of emails, and recording email recipients’ responses, all from a unified platform of SalezShark. Hence by implementing SalezShark, you can easily get rid of the hassle of constantly juggling between your Gmail inbox and CRM which results in enhancing your productivity and enables you to stay more focused on core selling.


Track leads in no time

Mostly it has been observed that sales professionals find it a herculean task to do lead capturing effectively and it is one of the most crucial stages in customers’ lifecycle journey. It gets difficult especially in the case when you are manually capturing leads through emails and wasting a lot of productive hours that often end up in a huge loss of good leads due to human-bound errors. Not only this but also, opening every single email and capturing the interested leads conversation takes a lot of your time and also invite errors. To overcome such an issue you must choose SalezShark CRM email integration that enables you to automate your lead capturing process. It enables you to capture leads through email campaigns in no time. You just need to sign in once on the SalezShark CRM platform and in a few clicks, you can get all leads captured at one place gathered from various from multiple email campaigns.


Build automated workflows of emails

SalezShark email integration CRM the United Kingdom not only automates the lead capturing process but it also automates your day-to-day email activities that majorly involve creating and sending mass emails and follow-up emails to every customer or prospect. Driving all such activities manually can be highly frustrating and time-consuming. Moreover, it also leads to multiple human-bound errors. So to get away from all such hassles and challenges you must implement email integration CRM like SalezShark CRM which enables you to automate your entire email management process that helps you to save time and enhance the productivity of your team.

SalezShark email integration CRM United Kingdom plays a vital role in your email process. It automates all sorts of email activities which also involves automation of email responses. There are a few emails that need your quick attention and should be answered quickly based on their need. Here SalezShark CRM helps you to create automated responses to such emails based on their queries. For example, if any new customer chooses your software and buys it, then SalezShark CRM email integration immediately acknowledges that and sends an automated response to a customer in the form of a welcome email. These quick responses to customers’ queries delight customers and make them feel privileged which strengthens the bond of trust between you and your customer.

SalezShark CRM also enables you to set reminders related to shooting email campaigns for any specific date to any specific set of email recipients. It enables you to schedule your email campaigns in advance for any specific day, date, based on any geographical location, time zones, and so on. Hence, by setting reminders you can never forget to send emails to your target audience at the right time which eventually helps you in scaling up the email performance in terms of better open rate, click rate, and subscribe rate. So, choose SalezShark email integration that automates your entire email process and makes your email communication seamless.

Drive email campaigns effectively & effortlessly

Get SalezShark CRM Email Integration

Personalize and convert leads effectively

Nurturing leads effectively is considered to be a difficult task by many sales professionals. Lead nurturing majorly involves educating prospects through emails and driving seamless communication with customers. While nurturing a lead you are required to have a good amount of patience and make your target audience curious to know more about your business and take interest in buying your products & services. Here you need to make a plan to connect with the target audience and this only gets possible by planning a strong email follow-up email plan that helps you to be in constant touch with your leads and existing customers. You can do this by creating multiple email campaigns, however, doing it manually consumes time. So here SalezShark CRM helps you in creating a personalized mass email campaign where while sending emails to an individual customer, your emails will be received by them with their first names that add a personal touch into your emails.

Creating email campaigns in SalezShark CRM is a cakewalk because it offers a wide range of email template galleries full of multiple highly customized readymade email templates that can be used in creating email campaigns in a few clicks. As we know nurturing a lead is all about educating customers on your business products and services and generating curiosity among them to know more and buy your products and services. To do this effectively you should be in touch with your leads/customers on a regular basis and that can be done by scheduling rigorous follow-ups emails. SalezShark CRM also enables you to set reminders for follow-up emails that help you to send follow-up emails without any delay which eventually improves your relationship with leads/customers and enhances the opportunity of lead conversion.

So, if you are looking forward to taking your business to new heights of sales success then choose SalezShark email integration that simplifies and strengthens your email process. It is highly affordable and customizable based on business & industry requirements and also guarantees the utmost safety of your data by offering cloud-based CRM with easy accessibility on all mobile phones with Android and iOS operating systems.

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