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Simplify sales with SalezShark Sales Monitoring System

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Monitoring day-to-day sales is one of the most essential and crucial parts of any size of business belonging to any industry. Sales monitoring majorly involves monitoring what’s happening with your sales process in present and what's expected to happen in the future regarding the achievement of desired sales figures. More than a decade ago Excel was considered the most appropriate sales monitoring tool which was getting used on a daily basis by most businesses to monitor their sales. However, in this tool due to manual entries, a lot of discrepancies used to happen, and also there were certain limitations that left the room for human-bound errors that limit the scope of monitoring sales effectively. Besides this, in Excel, you need to by heart all the formulas and formatting which was again a difficult task for most of the sales executives and made the process of sales monitoring more complicated.

Nowadays as technology gets advanced, various automated systems are in place to monitor sales effectively. These sales monitoring systems simplify the process of sales monitoring and keep sales professionals away from the hassles of formatting endless spreadsheets in Excel. SalezShark sales and monitoring system enables you and your team of sales executives to monitor sales that happened in past, monitor leads and quotes that are in progress, and transform them into insightful and actionable reports making the sales process simple and easy to understand.

Empower your Sales Team with SalezShark Sales Monitoring System

SalezShark sales and monitoring system helps you and your team of sales professionals to get an edge over your competitors. It enables you build strong and personalized customer relationships through every stage of the sales process. This cloud-based sale monitoring tool also proves out be very helpful to senior sales managers in monitoring the overall performance of the sales process and individual sales executive’s performance too. Its advanced technology is designed to simplify the daily sales data for sales executives. It automatically generates various sales project analysis reports that help you and your sales team to get a bird's eye view and precisely monitor what's happening in the sales process. Let’s look into a few major features of the SalezShark sales monitoring tool.


A Leaderboard is a unique feature of the SalezShark sales and monitoring system. This feature helps you get a pictorial view of all sales executives’ ranking based on the number of actual sales and/or sales activities performed. It shows the top performers of the sales team that brings the feeling of healthy competition among the sales team. This feature not only helps the sales team to stay competitive by constantly viewing each other’s sales performance but also enhances the overall productivity of the sales process and brings transparency among the sales team. Besides this, it also helps your senior sales managers in analyzing their sales team and individual sales executive’s performance on a real-time basis, based on which they can plan future time-bound sales targets.



SalezShark sales monitoring system also offers various forms of dashboards like sales dashboards, marketing dashboard, and so on. These dashboards help you and your team of sales professionals in monitoring the sales with the help of multiple auto-generated sales progress reports that explain to you the sales key performance indicators in the form of easy-to-understand graphs, charts, tables, and so on. In a few clicks and at a glance you can see the exact no. of sales figures achieved or lost that help you and your team of sales executives in staying up to date with the sales process's overall performance.



The activity and task feature of the SalezShark sales monitoring system is also a very useful feature that helps you and your team of sales professionals in keeping constant touch with your past, present, and future clients via emails, phone calls, meetings, product demos, or any other medium. As soon as the lead enters into the SalezShark system, the sales executive can start building relationships with the lead by performing various activities like call, email, product demos, etc., that helps in turning the lead into a paying customer. In this feature when any task gets completed, then it is called an activity. So, once the task (email, or call, or, product demo) gets completed is automatically turned into an activity, hence it is important for you to mark that scheduled task as completed in the system so it can be automatically turned into a performed activity.


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Benefits of SalezShark Sales Monitoring Software

SalezShark sales monitoring is highly effective in keeping a track of sales and many sales executives trust it as it helps them to manage all their leads and existing clients’ information at one unified platform. This unified platform helps sales executives by offering a shared database of contacts where all sales teams can stay in constant touch with their leads and nurture them effectively by shooting follow-up emails, scheduling appointments, product demos, and phone calls. SalezShark also enables sales agents in keeping all contact information arranged and saved in one place. It offers multiple intelligent insights on leads and existing customers. It tells what their existing customers looking for on websites, items purchased in past and when, the number of interactions existing customers made with sales executives, and so on. Hence it does not only monitor the status of new leads but also monitors existing customers’ various activities. Let us look into a few benefits of the SalezShark monitoring tool.

Real-time Sales Monitoring: SalezShark real-time sales monitoring makes the job of your senior managers easy and getting access to the sales real-time activity feeds, enables them to monitor their sales team’s overall sales performance and individual sales executive’s sales performance. By using this monitoring system whenever any sort of sales activities related to a call, email, product demo, and so made by any sales executive, it gets automatically recorded and displayed in the SalezShark monitoring platform that helps senior sales managers to monitor the sales activities on a real-time basis.

Decision-making: Unlike traditional sales monitoring tools like Excel where sales executives need to do manual sorting to keep data and reports arranged; the SalezShark monitoring tool does it all by automating the whole data management process. It enables senior sales managers to monitor the current progress, sales activities, and updates in the sales process, which help them to stay focused and work on removing any upcoming potential bottlenecks or hassles in sales. The intelligent sales data-driven insights offered by the SalezShark make the job of senior management easy at the time of decision-making. It gives them the capability to take the right sales decisions at the right time. These intelligent sales data-driven insights are in the form of auto-generated sales reports displayed on a Sales Dashboard. The Sales dashboard gives a bird’s eye view of various sales campaigns’ performance that makes the job of senior sales experts easy in formulating future sales strategies effectively and also involves accurate sales forecasting.

Impeccable integrations: On a day-to-day basis, sales executives are supposed to dial numerous phone calls and send multiple follow-up emails to leads and existing customers which is not easy and a tedious process if done manually. Also if you want to monitor the status of all interactions like the number of dialed calls and sent emails then it is no less than a herculean task and wastes a lot of productive hours if done manually. However, with by implementing the SalezShark sales monitoring tool, this process of dialing numerous calls and sending bulk emails get easily automated. It offers impeccable integrations like telephony integration and email integration that allow sales executives to send and receive calls and emails directly through the SalezShark system. Any email or call made by a sales agent gets automatically recorded into the system and get displayed in the SalezShark system, which makes the process of monitoring emails’ response times, and following up with leads and existing customers simple and quick.

Easy Accessibility: SalezShark monitoring system is cloud-based software that comes with ease of accessibility. As it is a cloud-based software so, it can be easily accessed anytime from anywhere through any mobile device via the internet. This easy accessibility proves to be very helpful, especially to those sales agents who are mostly engaged in a traveling profile or commuting from one city to another city. Sales agents who work in the field can make the most of this easy accessibility feature and they can feed any sales data anytime from anywhere which helps them in a long run to boost their sales productivity and save their productive hours. It enables them to access and monitor their multiple sales campaign performances anytime from anywhere. Last but not least it also helps senior sales management profiles to stay in constant touch with their sales teams remotely.

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