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SalezShark Sales Execution Platform

Enhancing the performance of the sales process is one of the major objectives of any organization irrespective of its size small, medium, or large. Sales are always crucial and it is the priority of every business either b2b or b2c where cold prospects are nurtured to turn into hot leads and finally transformed into paying customers that boost the growth of sales and revenue generation. Execution of sales requires a lot of effort, workforce, and advanced technology like SalezShark sales execution CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. By deploying this CRM into your business you ensure that your sales are executed well and streamlined for better business growth. By using this CRM you and your team of sales executives can build strong relationships with leads by understanding their needs, challenges, and their position in the buying journey. You can elevate your customer engagement in various ways by deploying SalezShark Engage CRM i.e. a unified online platform where all sales executives can work together on leads and quickly turn them into paying customers.

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What is the SalezShark Sales Execution CRM?

SalezShark sales execution CRM is a user-friendly sales execution platform where all your leads can be managed together by you and your team of sales executives. It helps you in executing your sales process in various ways. As you know driving the sales process manually is time-consuming and tedious which causes a huge dip in productivity and sales. Keeping the record of leads and existing customers, building interactions with customers, setting reminders to call the clients, and scheduling follow-up sales email campaigns altogether is not possible manually. You need a power of automation here to automate these sales activities so you can focus on executing core sales activities and start building relationships with leads to turn them into deals. So, to get rid of all such hassles of executing daily sales activities manually, you can deploy SalezShark sales execution CRM that automates your entire sales process and allow you to create automated sales workflows for every sales activity that helps you to save productive hours and you get more time to build fruitful interactions with leads that turn into deals.

Once your daily sales tasks are automated you get ample time to elevate customer engagement. However, still, there are many tasks that consume a lot of productive hours like your lead management process. SalezShark sales execution platform automates your entire lead management process that helps you to capture, score, distribute, nurture and convert leads effectively. As we know there are several stages in the lead management cycle and to execute every stage manually is not only time-consuming but also invites hum-bound errors that can cause a loss of good leads and a dip in sales growth. So to avoid such a situation you must deploy SalezShark Engage CRM that leaves no scope of errors and automates your entire lead management process that allowing you to work on all leads under one unified sales execution platform and turn them into paying customers quickly.

Manage leads effectively with the SalezShark sales execution platform

SalezShark Engage CRM automates your entire lead management cycle right from capturing the leads to scoring, distributing, nurturing, and then finally turning leads into paying customers. Nowadays leads are captured from many online platforms like social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram), landing pages, email campaigns, and so on; in such a scenario logging on these platforms individually to capture leads and then moving them into your system manually is a time-consuming task that also leaves a room for human-bound errors. To get rid of all these challenges you need SalezShark CRM that automates lead capturing and with a single sign-in into the SalezShark sales execution platform you can see all leads captured and consolidated into the system. This power of automation allows you to start work on leads instantly and accelerates the productivity of your lead management cycle. It also automates lead scoring and distribution processes by allowing you to set any rule or parameter in the SaleShark CRM and based on that when any lead enters the system it gets a score, so sales executives know the actual worth of that lead and treat that lead accordingly. Also, these leads get automatically distributed among sales executives by the rule set by you. Based on sales executives’ caliber and area of expertise every lead gets automatically assigned to the sales experts.


Build strong relationships with leads

Once your leads are captured, scored, and distributed among sales executives, they need special attention because now the stage comes where maximum leads may fall as they lose interest in your products and services. Here you need to build seamless communication with them through emails, giving product demos, sharing informative content, and so on. This stage is the lead nurturing stage where you need to build regular follow-ups with leads. By using SalezShark Engage CRM you can create a follow-up email campaign in a few clicks by using the SalezShark email template gallery offering a wide range of highly customized email templates. The drag and drop functionality makes your email creation quick and you can also schedule these follow-up email campaigns based on any event, date, holiday, time zone, and geographies. You can also add a touch of personalization to your mass email campaigns by addressing every email recipient with his/her first name which makes your relationship with leads stronger and better. The chances of such an email are always higher in terms of positive replies. Hence by using SalezShark CRM you can nurture leads effectively, stay in regular touch with them, and elevate your customer engagement to the next level resulting in the growth of sales and revenue generation.


Turn leads into deals

The most crucial stage of the lead management cycle is the last stage where your leads need to make a buying decision. This is the stage where your leads know everything about your products and services. Now they wish to know more about your overall business and majorly they are looking for assurance that once the product or service is bought from you, will you be able to provide strong after-sales support or not. During this stage, your leads are not only dealing with you but with other businesses as well and comparing your products and services to other brands. At this stage of the final buying decision, you can’t let the lead go easily and if your lead management is poor then you tend to lose it quickly. Mostly it has been observed that even after a good lead nurturing leads, never turn into paying customers. This happens due to a communication gap at the final stage of lead conversion. Sales executives get so busy working on new leads that they tend to miss building regular touch with old good leads. Here you need the visual sales funnel of SalezShark Engage CRM. In this sales funnel you can keep all your new and old leads arranged and can move them from top to bottom in the funnel based on their chances of turning into paying customers. In this manner, you never miss any lead and can constantly maintain follow-up with all leads that help in lead conversions.

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Use SalezShark sales execution CRM customizable as per your needs.

Benefits of SalezShark Sales Execution CRM

SalezShark Engage CRM offers you a wide range of benefits that helps you to execute your sales activities effectively and efficiently resulting in the growth of sales and revenue generation. In order to enhance the lead management cycle, it offers the feature of a visual sales funnel. By using SalezShark CRM’s visual sales funnel you can arrange all your leads together inside the funnel. By doing so your lead management becomes effective and the traceability of leads becomes better. Just by looking at the visual sales funnel you can analyze the number of leads that can be converted easily and the leads that require more effort. You can prioritize leads and based on that you can work on those leads first that have higher chances of getting converted into paying customers and the rest of the leads later. Based on your interactions with leads and their increasing probabilities of buying from you, helps you to move the leads from the top of the funnel to the bottom. You can move the leads from the top to the bottom of the funnel by using the drag and drop functionality.

Once your leads are prioritized, it becomes easy for you to schedule follow-up emails with leads based on their chances of buying from you and you can divide leads based on their position in the sales funnel. Based on their stage in the funnel you can draft follow-up emails that resonate with their needs at that particular stage of the buying journey. Besides prioritizing the leads and managing all the leads together, the sales funnel is also very useful for senior sales managers. SalezShark visual sales funnel not only allows you to place leads into it but also automatically calculates the expected amount of revenue that can be generated from every lead individually. This feature makes the job of sales forecasting easy for senior sales managers. Sales forecasting is one of the crucial parts of sales where the expected number of sales and the expected amount of revenue is calculated. This calculation may go wrong if done manually, however by using the SalezShark visual sales funnel this process gets automated and in a few clicks, you can get the reports explaining the expected number of sales and revenue that can be generated in any particular period of time. Hence by using the SalezShark sales funnel the process of sales forecasting gets accurate and better. Based on that, future sale strategies can be formulated and executed.

Last but not least the process of deploying SalezShark CRM is also very simple. The onboarding process of this software is seamless which includes various pieces of training and tutorials that make onboarding simple and quick. It also offers you bullet-proof security and keeps all your data safe on its cloud platform which can be accessed by you and by only those to whom you allow access. So, if you are looking forward to executing your sales process seamlessly and willing to elevate your customer engagement then SalezShark Engage CRM is one such software that is designed for you and can help you reach sales goals in no time.

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