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Get the best marketing campaign automation tool SalezShark Connect+

Being a B2B marketer is not an easy task nowadays to grab the attention of the target audience and elevate brand value. Most of the b2b marketers struggle in chasing marketing qualified leads and then face ample challenges in turning those leads into sales qualified leads. Besides this, there is also the pressure of reaching a larger pool of target audiences by crafting and running multiple email marketing campaigns. By deploying marketing campaign automation tools like SalezShark Connect+ brands can elevate the performance of their marketing campaigns and get in a better position to deliver highly personalized & targeted emails to their clients and prospects. As the technology today is advanced so SalezShark understands this fact and this is the reason why the Connect+ email automation suite runs on various advanced technologies that helps brands in elevating their marketing efforts and build strong customer relationships. SalezShark Connect+ is an AI-driven automated marketing campaign that helps brands in more than one way and ensures that it leaves no stone unturned in making you deliver seamless personalized experiences at scale. Let’s explore how it helps brands in driving marketing activities seamlessly and effectively.

How Connect+ marketing campaign
automation helps?

Create automated marketing workflows

The dynamics of the fast-paced marketing world are ever-changing which causes a lot of stress to marketers. They always have pressure to do more in less span of a time. There is a constant pressure of generating more leads, growing more revenue, and close more deals in less time. Back-to-back creation and management of marketing campaigns and that too manually is not an easy task and takes a lot of attention, time, and effort. So to do more in less time you need to have the power of automation that helps you in creating automated marketing workflows. By deploying SalezShark Connect+ marketers can automate the day-to-day marketing activities that enable them to focus more on building strong relationships with prospects and existing clients.

Manage automated marketing campaign in a few clicks

SalezShark marketing campaign automation tool helps you and your team of marketers to draft and send highly personalized mass email marketing campaigns in no time. As we already discussed by leveraging template gallery and its highly customizable and readymade email templates you can create emails in no time and save a lot of your productive hours. However when it comes to managing these campaigns then you can also schedule these email marketing campaigns’ delivery in advance to any specific event or date, based on any geography. Not only this, but it also helps you to schedule follow-up emails in advance resulting in truing leads into deals.

Nurture leads effectively

Lead nurturing is often considered the most difficult phase in a marketing cycle where most marketers fail in educating the leads and lose them. This stage of buyers’ journey needs a lot of attention and effort in building constant communication with prospects, so they get curious to buy your products and services. To do this effectively SalezShark Connect+ email automation suite can create wonders. It allows you to create an automated campaign that resonates with the needs of buyers. These automated campaigns can be created in a few clicks by leveraging the Connect+ template library that offers a wide range of highly customized and readymade email templates. By using these email templates you can quickly create and schedule an email campaign that helps in building constant communication with prospects.

Amplify your marketing efforts

Try the SalezShark Connect+ marketing campaign automation

How does Connect+ drive email marketing effectively?

Create a smart email list in no time

SalezShark Connect+ helps you to create a smart email list including the relevant email addresses captured from multiple sources and from the integrated database of Connect+ that offers accurate business email addresses of key decision-makers of many businesses. By creating such a smart email list, the chances of email campaigns performance get better. Its open rate, click rate, and no. of subscribe rate increases. Simultaneously this smart list also helps you by automatically managing the bounce & unsubscribed email addresses. In this manner, by leveraging the smart email list for email campaign creation you ensure maximum leads get converted into paying customers.

Personalize your email campaigns

Personalization is one of the aspects that can never be ignored while building relationships with prospects. SalezShark marketing campaign automation tool helps you and your team of marketers to draft and send multiple mass email marketing campaigns in no time. Just imagine if you would be doing all of this manually, wouldn’t it be time-consuming and frustrating for you? However, with Connect+ email marketing automation, this can be done in no time. In a few clicks, you can create and send multiple email campaigns with a touch of personalization into it. It ensures that every email in a mass email campaign is received by its email recipient’s first name which instantly builds a personalized bond with the email recipient.

Create action-oriented email campaigns

Simply creating multiple email campaigns will take you nowhere in terms of lead generation and customer engagement until you make your email campaigns action-oriented. By saying action-oriented here we mean that once your email is opened by the recipient, it must compel the recipient to take some action on it. To make this happen you need to add CTA (Call to action) button in emails. By deploying SalezShark Connect+ sophisticated marketing automation suite you can create emails with an option to add CTA to it that promotes two-way communications between you and your prospect. Hence adding CTAs to your emails enhances the performance of emails in terms of open rate, click rate, and subscribe rate.

Track & optimize customer engagement

Knowing your prospects’ buying behavior, preferences, and pain points play a vital role in building strong relationships with them. Not only this but once you start engaging with customers you need to keep a track of it and according to the demand and situation you need to offer the right product or service at the right time that enhances your chances of sales and revenue generation. You should track the email engagement and any sort of medium that you are using to engage your customers. SalezShark Connect+ helps you to do this effectively and enables you to track every customer engagement and optimize it at the very stage of the customer buying lifecycle.

Get marketing reports in a few clicks

Simply creating and running marketing campaigns is not enough until you know how to measure their performance and based on that formulate future marketing strategies. SalezShark Connect+ simplifies this job by offering several auto-generated marketing insights and reports in a few clicks. As these reports are auto-generated so save a lot of your productive hours as you don’t need to create reports. These reports are easy to understand as they are mostly in the form of graphs and pie charts explaining to you the overall growth of your marketing process. These reports are accurate and can be presented to senior management. Based on these reports it becomes easy for senior management to build strong future marketing strategies.

Our global customers

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