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SalezShark CRM sales funnel management

One of the major objectives of any organization irrespective of its size small, medium, or large is to enhance the efficiency of its sales funnel. It is one of the few priorities of businesses in which cold prospects turn into hot leads and finally into paying customers resulting in the growth of sales and revenue generation. Sales funnel is highly required by sales executives as it gives them an understanding of their potential customers’ needs, challenges, and their position in the buying journey. To drive these activities seamlessly you need a solid sales funnel management software like SalezShark CRM sales funnel management. By deploying this software you can manage your sales effectively and quickly turn leads into deals.

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What is the SalezShark CRM sales funnel management?

SalezShark CRM funnel management offers you a visual sales funnel that represents the journey of a lead starting from the first interaction until a completed purchase. This visual representation of leads helps you and your team of sales executives in understanding where they need to follow up with leads or modify the sales process due to a drop in the sales funnel. The sales funnel management Salezshark offers visual sales funnel that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. It consists of various stages of the leads’ buying journey, where leads either move towards the bottom as their chances of buying increase or drop off in between if they don’t express any interest in buying. Leads that show interest can be moved to the bottom and leads that fail to show any interest can be dropped. This helps you to filter out relevant leads that can be turned into paying customers. By using the drag and drop functionality of this visual sales funnel leads can be moved easily in the visual sales funnel.

So now we have this understanding the SalezShark visual sales funnel is directly connected to the customers’ buying journey stages, and these stages can be classified into three parts: top, middle, and bottom. Dividing the sales funnel into three parts makes it easy for you and your team of sales executives to understand the sales funnel in detail. It helps you analyze what is going right or wrong while prospecting the leads, exactly what leads want, and when is the right time to pitch for a fina=lo ll sales call. By continuously optimizing your visual sales funnel you can easily reach your sales goals and can turn leads into deals. Let’s look into the three stages of the SalezShark visual sales funnel.

SalezShark CRM funnel management top stage

The top stage of SalezShark CRM funnel management is the stage of awareness and discovery. This is the beginning stage of your leads’ buying journey where they have many questions, and doubts as this is the stage where they first interact with your business and discover your business products and services. Mostly they reach this stage through phone calls received by you, or any awareness-related email sent by you to them, or maybe they got to know about your business while surfing the web. This is the stage where customers are trying to identify their challenges, they have many questions in their minds and trying to express those in words but in front of only those who can provide them with a solution to their issues. At the top stage of the sales funnel, your prospects want assurance that your products and services can actually act as a solution to their needs and challenges. This is the stage where your leads turn into prospects and you get an idea of their challenges and needs. So based on their pain points, it’s time for you to ask the right questions and ensure that your products and services can resonate with their needs and pain points.


SalezShark CRM funnel management middle stage

SalezShark CRM sales funnel management middle stage is the stage of researching solutions. By the time your leads reach this stage, you know what your leads’ pain points and challenges are, and based on that you know that these leads are your ideal customers that have higher chances of buying from you. Now to get your leads to the next stage, where you need to ask very specific questions to leads that are directly related to their needs, generic questions hold no importance at this stage of the sales funnel. At this stage when you ask specific problem-related questions to the leads then they also explain their issues in detail and they also seek advice from you. Here you need to provide them with a solution or a few options where you can present your products and services as a solution to their problem. Your solution must resonate with the pain points of your leads; otherwise, this is the stage where maximum leads drop as they didn’t get what they expected as a solution. Here to avoid such a situation you must ask questions to your leads to determine whether your products and services are the right fit for their problem. If not then you can find other ways to showcase your products and find a way how your products and services can help lead in their challenges.


SalezShark CRM funnel management bottom stage

SalezShark CRM sales funnel management bottom stage is the stage of making an educated purchase decision. This is the stage of the sales funnel where your leads know all about your products and services also they know how your products and services can act as a solution to their needs and challenges. Mostly this is the time where leads are not only dealing with you but with other businesses as well and comparing your products and services to others. They are looking best provider to purchase their solution from. And due to this only, now leads ask you not about your products and services, they will ask more about your overall business. They just want an assurance that if anything goes wrong in the future with the product or service, then you should be ready to take ownership and fix the issues on priority. So here you need to ensure your leads and give them assurance that you are with them even after sales and always ready to help.

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Benefits of SalezShark CRM sales funnel management

Creating a strong sales funnel is not an easy task for many sales professionals. Many sales agents find it difficult to build a strong sales funnel that is filled with sales-qualifies leads and offers the chance of converting into paying customers. In such a scenario the funnel management Salezshark helps you and your team of sales executives build a strong visual sales funnel into the SalezShark CRM. By leveraging this visual sale funnel you can arrange all your leads into the visual sales funnel and can work on all of them together. Keeping all the leads in the funnel helps you to track the stages of all leads easily. It helps you to divide your leads at the top, middle, or bottom stages of the funnel based on their chances of converting into paying customers. You can arrange all the leads into different stages of this visual sales funnel based on the sorts of interactions made with leads and based on their chances of converting into paying customers. You can move the leads into the visual sales funnel by leveraging the drag and drop functionality of the SalezShark sales funnel. Simply by dragging and dropping, you can move leads from top to bottom in the funnel as they progress towards the decision-making stage of buying the products and services.

As the leads progress towards the bottom of the funnel, it indicates that these are the set of leads that need special attention and you should keep these set of leads on priority. Hence SalezShark visual sales funnel also helps you in prioritizing the leads and you can first work on those leads that are at the bottom of the funnel and after converting them into paying customers, you can work on the rest of the leads. Besides lead prioritizing, SalezShark's visual sales funnel also helps your senior sales managers in the process of sales forecasting. Sales forecasting is one of the crucial aspects of sales where assumptions are made and expected sales and revenue generation are calculated. This is not an easy process and requires a lot of time and patience. You need to go through various sales reports and so on to calculate expected sales. However, this process becomes simple as the visual sales funnel of SalezShark not only displays the position of leads but also displays the expected amount of revenue that can be generated once it turns into a paying customer. Hence by using the SalezShark sales funnel you can forecast sales accurately. So, if you are looking forward to making your sales process a breeze then you must try SalezShark CRM that not only offers you a feature of sales funnel management but also various other features that help you automate your entire sales process and helps you in enhancing your productivity, sales growth, and revenue generation.

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