Tips to Write Effective Customer Service Email

Written By salezshark

Published on November 2, 2018

No one is delighted to receive cold responses when it comes to having a conversation. In this digital arena, the law more applies to email templates that are used to address customer complaints. Such automated email is a sheer disappointment when it comes to see the robotic text as an answer to your frustration and inconvenience.

Though the task of drafting personal email to every complaint is next to impossible, but the subtle art of writing email templates that reflect a personalization touch would assist in nurturing customer relationships.

Here, we are bringing you some email etiquette that you should keep in mind while handling any annoyed customer, that would help you to lower his rage and thereby, increasing his faith.

  1. Don’t Neglect, Act Fast.

The moment you receive any complaint over email, it is recommended to respond within an hour as an assurance to the customer that his complaint is heard. Otherwise, the discontent customer will make every effort to be heard on social media or online consumer complaint forums wherein they could be reaching to hundreds or thousands of connections and sabotaging your company’s reputation publicly.

  1. Address in Friendly Tone

It is recommended to address the customer by name, or a simple “Hi” & “Hello” also work when the name is not disclosed to the support staff. As a matter of fact, customers do prefer casual tone over formal as it is easier to understand for every segment of the population.

  1. Begin with “Thank you” Note. The ideal way to begin the complaint letter is by expressing appreciation for the feedback. It is also recommended to include a brief note about the caused problem that would assist organizations to re-establish trust. For quick results, do follow some of the templates to start your email conversation as:

“Thank you for your email. We appreciate your efforts for letting us know the things that are not right from our end.”

“Thanks for taking the time to write to us.”

“Thank you so much for sharing your feedback. We appreciate the opportunity to clarify what we think has happened.”

  1. Be Apologetic in Every Word.

To turn around a bad customer experience, emphasize on your art of writing the apology mail by incorporating genuine responses like – “I am sorry for the delay”, “I am really sorry for the bad experience you had,” or “I apologize for not initiating the refund”.  It should look as if you have taken some time to craft this personalized message regarding their terrible experience and make sure that nothing as such will repeat in the future.

  1. Small Offer, Matters Most

At times, the situation gets worsened when it becomes challenging to tackle grumpy clients with your writing tool. In such cases, offering incentive or lucrative compensation may seem to be suitable, in order to retain customer and maintaining goodwill in the market. Alternatively, you can also offer the same perk as a thankful gesture for customers who remained calm and patient during the entire process.

  1. Re-check the content/link/attachment

While drafting emails to customers, be extra cautious when it comes to grammar and spelling errors. Because you are representing your company and such blunders are likely to leave a poor impression on the part of the organization. Do take the help of easily available tools like Grammarly or Microsoft Word. Ideally, you should re-check the link before sending it to the customer, in case it might show up any error, or miss out any character.  Just to avoid any embarrassment, do check the attached file before hitting the “send” button. Salezshark

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