Maintaining Sales Productivity during Holiday: A How to Guide

Written By salezshark

Published on December 8, 2017

And we are here, around the time of the year, when you hear managers screaming at their reps to close more deals, on the other side, a season-specific objection from a prospective customer “Please call me back after the holidays”

Let’s face it that end-of-the-year selling weighs more than deals closed on January 3rd or so.

winter-2986040_1920Why is it difficult to sell during Holidays? Where does the problem stem from? Perhaps from all of us using the same strategies to close business during the year end as we do in the month of July

To potentially overcome their reluctance to talk, here’s what you can do:

Prepare in Advance

Rather than providing discounts and concessions during end of the December, make it expire on December 10th instead. This helps push the negotiations to take place before all the decision makers are out of their office

The urgency of an expiring discount shall definitely give your prospect the push to meet your December closing deadline.

Push New Business to January

Of course, we all want more and more number of demos and meetings scheduled. But, if you’re unable to carve out some time in their calendars, just ensure some time right after the holidays and schedule a meeting then.

Meanwhile maybe just pay a visit to the client who is about to close rather than packing your December calendar with demos or trials. They will appreciate you going that extra mile.

Sending Emails

Some marketers may hold off on the volume of emails during the holiday season, assuming that nobody is going to read the emails. But let’s talk real; nobody takes real off-the –grid vacation with their cell-phones these days. You can rather take the advantage of the silence and vacuum left for you by the other marketers who aren’t sending emails during holiday season.

Let’s try a little different approach this year end and see how this holiday selling season treats your stocking this year!

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