Four Ways to Amp Up Your Business Through Mobile App

Written By salezshark

Published on September 25, 2018

You must have heard about Aladdin’s magical lamp that is imbibed to fulfill all the wishes of his master. Well, we may not have that physical being to cater all your needs but yeah we have an updated version of it that will be with you 24×7 and can be easily fit in your pocket. Yes, we are talking about smartphones that have bought a revolutionary change in the digital arena.

Other than connecting everyone via calls, smartphones run a whole host of applications that serve your petty to chief purposes. Business expansion from across the world has been shifted from the physical realm of distributing printed advertisements and leaflets, to the digital realm of sending out notifications and shooting mails to turn your leads into potential customers.

To start getting the massive opportunities in your plate, you need to have a mobile app that is simpler to use and effectively manage all your business concerns on-the-go. As reported, around 66% of small and mid-size business owners noticed tremendous growth after their mobile app launch. Look at these four ways by which your business can benefit from having a mobile app.

Gone are the days when the mobile version of your website could fetch a number of clicks. When it comes to mobile expansion for your business, stick to the need of the mobile app that can increase your business visibility among netizens. An average individual spends at least 3 hours on mobile and uses multiple apps throughout the day. Subsequently, make your business available just a touch away and let your customers know you are happy to help them anytime & anywhere.

Build a Strong Brand

Once the customer installed your mobile app, you can have regular interaction with them through notifications and timely upgradation. With such initiatives, mobile app aware customers about your brand and fostering trust to commit for aftermath sales and pitches. Since 2.6 billion people are intact with their high-powered smartphones at all the time, the notion of a mobile app is proved to be a true game-changer in customer service.

Boosts Profit

Ditch the secondary requirement of “website” view in mobile, the promotion of its mobile app will enrich the customer experience and also manifest in sales growth. Approximately 35.4 percent of Black Friday sales are accomplished through mobile shopping, as quoted by Moreover, when the mobile app of Domino’s Pizza was launched, it witnessed a 28% rise in their sales and thereby accounted for 52% of their online orders.

 Customer Loyalty

Let’s reward customers once they download your app and trust us, they will feel valued. Try to incorporate a customer loyalty program that will provide discounts and offers on the listed products, or services of your organization. With this, you can render endless engaging opportunity as well as reach out to younger demographics.

Subsequently, when it comes to mobile CRM and sales support, it gives immense opportunity to small and mid-size business owners to manage their customer relations at their fingertips. With SalezShark mobile app, you can directly add customer information into the CRM dashboard and can keep a track of your employees’ performance, even if you are miles away from them. Providing real-time insights, it saves time and ultimately predicts your business’ growth model towards a positive direction.

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