What is List Segmentation?

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Published on July 23, 2019

List segmentation is a technique that divides the contact list into different groups to trigger the right message to the relevant consumer base. Thanks to the framework of marketing automation that helps in segmenting database based on location, device usage, behavior, and statistic. It effectively manages the client data and filter information based on the specific criteria.

Send your customers what they willing to see! While shopping, you must have tried 10 different t-shirts in at least 2 sizes, just to check which size fits well and which particular design looks good. Just imagine, if a particular store is selling only one particular size and only one design. Will you be willing to purchase one? I believe, absolutely not. So, how will your customers purchase your service/solution, if you are treating every customer on the same parameter? When you sell precisely what your customers need, they will show interest in what you have to sell. That is here, segmentation comes in and without segmentation, nothing functions well as it ought to.

What is List Segmentation

Without Segmentation With Segmentation

1. Sending the same message to everybody.

2. You will receive random clicks and the recipients must be wondering for what reason you are emailing them.

3. Your email marketing will be less rewarded and more exhausting.

1. Sending personalized messages to each contact as what they need to see.

2. With the right target audience, you will see high email engagement.

3. With personalized content, your marketing feels more personal and improves results.

Basically, it divides your contact lists into smaller groups and segments on the basis of – industry, demographics, website views, company size, and lot more. The lead information that you gathered from the pop-up form is initially your building stone to work upon the interested leads. With enough database, you will be able to plan personalized campaigns based on the actions and provided information.

For instance, it is easier to create a quick lead with basic information like name, company name & contact number. In case, you receive vital information from the prospect such as their business requirements, a number of employees and total turnover, you may add them to the particular list(s).

 Why Is Segmentation Important?

The segmenting list enables you to send the correct messaging to the most relevant list at the perfect time. You can segregate your lists of contacts and leads depending upon the real-time activities of interesting prospects such as clicks on a particular CTA, viewing your pricing page, just requested a demo but didn’t revert. Based on these actions, you can simply draft the content and engage the prospect with any offer or discount.

For example, if a lead visits your pricing page, it may be looking for your product and nearing a buying choice. That is extraordinary! You would now be able to trigger mechanized supporting messages to proceed with that discussion and draw them nearer to purchasing.

How Effective List Segmentation Is?

With the right assistance of list segmentation, marketers and salespeople are able to nurture leads more effectively to the sales funnel and getting new clients. Studies show that focusing on email content on the basis of buyer persona increases email click-through rate by 15% and all thanks to list segmentation that enables you to separate your group of recipients into various lists so you can send them content that adjusts all the more closely with their interests.

At times, your contacts’ advantages don’t line up with your objectives (converting leads into clients) – and that is alright. Turn the group of non-buyers who constantly open your messages, however, aren’t a solid match into network base: Send them an intriguing substance that they can share within their network.

You should likewise segregate your engaged and highly interested leads from the individuals who don’t open your messages ever. Simply make certain changes in the recurrence of messages sent to various degrees of connected leads to increase customer engagement and lessening unsubscribe rates. For instance, if any lead is already in the conversion stage, downsize your messages to them. On the other hand, if few leads are ending up less connected, possibly increase their email recurrence.

Where Would You Be Able to Utilize Segmentation?

You can utilize segmentation with any marketing capacities that depend on contact records. This incorporates messages and marketing automation (counting drip marketing process, which is a progression of automated messages dependent on explicit criteria).

You can likewise incorporate your segmented records with different channels to help your lead sustaining. For instance, a new call-to-action (CTA) on your blog can assist you in dividing a specific group of interested readers, with the goal to entice new readers. Keep in mind, your sole objective isn’t to produce leads but to generate business. That implies you have to generate a full marketing funnel for salespeople. Sending relevant substance to the correct group of audience at the perfect time is the formula for inbound marketing success.

SalezConnect supports marketing operations of small and medium-sized businesses to manage all prospect interactions at a single platform. Our customers credit us for the increase in their sales conversion, a surge in sales volume and leveraging customer experiences single-handedly. If you wish to learn more features of the SalezShark marketing tool, do a request for the FREE trial by calling on 9015731800 or drop us a line at contact@salezshark.com.

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