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Ipse de Bruggen

Ipse de Bruggen Emails and Contacts

Ipse de Bruggen is one of the leading Hospital and Health Care Companies in United States Of America having its headquarters at Evanston, Illinois . Ipse de Bruggen has a large market share in metrology, measurement, calibration, position feedback, industry 40, machine tools, angle encoders, linear encoders, rotary encoders, absolute encoders, magnetic encoders, touch probes, additive manufacturing, 3d printing, metal 3d printing, neurosurgery, cad, cam dentistry, medical technology, surgical planning software, raman spectroscopy, medical implants products and services. As it is a Non Profit Company so there are 2501 - 5000 employees working in Ipse de Bruggen. Even Ipse de Bruggen generates a yearly revenue of 2501 - 5000 every year making it one of the top players in the Hospital and Health Care industry. This company has 2501 - 5000 employees, and you can see the emails and phone numbers of the top 5 working professionals in Ipse de Bruggen.

Detailed Overview of Ipse de Bruggen | Emails & Phone

  • Company Name

    Ipse de Bruggen

  • Official Contact


  • Official Address

    1560 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, Illinois, United St... More

  • Industry Type

    Hospital and Health Care

  • Employees Range

    2501 - 5000

  • Revenue Range

    2501 - 5000

  • Company Type

    Non Profit

  • Official Website

  • Products/Services

    metrology, measurement, calibration, position feed... More

Ipse de Bruggen - Designation, Email Address and Phone Numbers

Check the Email and Phone Number List of the Top Management working at the Ipse de Bruggen

NameDesignationEmail AddressContact NumberView Email & Phone
***Drs Lin***Recruiter**********5093 View Email & Phone
***nis Gre***Corporate Recruiter**********5794 View Email & Phone
***ter Kin***Manager recruitment en mobiliteit**********4184 View Email & Phone
***lle Koe***HR Adviseur verzuim / Verzuimcoördinator**********9360 View Email & Phone
***rah Kol***HR Adviseur Verzuim, Verzuimcoordinator**********1269 View Email & Phone
DesignationsIpse de Bruggen

How do Emails and Phone Numbers of Ipse de Bruggen Help in Bringing Leads?

After viewing all the Ipse de Bruggen employees' emails like the emails of the Management, O Level, Admin, HR Head Email, CXO, Marketing Head, Managing Director,Founder, CEO, Sales Head, CFO Contact, and other Key Employees you can use the Connect+ Email Marketing Tool to send them bulk emails and generate leads. Ipse de Bruggen has a revenue of 2501 - 5000 and 2501 - 5000 employees are working at Ipse de Bruggen to whom you can hit the emails.

Companies Similar to
Ipse de Bruggen

Here are some companies that are similar to Ipse de Bruggen as all of them are from the Hospital and Health Care industry.

All of these companies operate in metrology, measurement, calibration, position feedback, industry 40, machine tools, angle encoders, linear encoders, rotary encoders, absolute encoders, magnetic encoders, touch probes, additive manufacturing, 3d printing, metal 3d printing, neurosurgery, cad, cam dentistry, medical technology, surgical planning software, raman spectroscopy, medical implants and you can pick any of them and get an Overview with their employee’s email address as they are similar to Ipse de Bruggen.

NameIndustryHeadquartersNo. of Employees
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma & TexasHospital and Health Care Illinois,United States Of America 5001 & Above
ATI Physical TherapyHospital and Health Care Illinois,United States Of America 501 - 1000
Rodan + Fields DermatologistsHospital and Health Care California,United States Of America 2501 - 5000
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation TrustHospital and Health Care Illinois,United States Of America 5001 & Above
Dupage Medical GroupHospital and Health Care Illinois,United States Of America 501 - 1000
NameIndustryHeadquartersNo. of Employees
Starship FoundationHospital and Health Care Maharashtra,India 2501 - 5000
Memorial Healthcare GroupHospital and Health Care New York,United States Of America 2501 - 5000
Sheba Medical Center, Tel HashomerHospital and Health Care Maharashtra,India 2501 - 5000
Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research CentreHospital and Health Care England,United Kingdom 2501 - 5000
Ospedale San RaffaeleHospital and Health Care Colorado,United States Of America 2501 - 5000

Key Competitors of Ipse de Bruggen

You should not miss the competitors of Ipse de Bruggen because you can even target Ipse de Bruggen’s competitors to promote your product through email marketing. Their Product and Services might differ from Ipse de Bruggen but the employee size they all have is 2501 - 5000 employees.

Frequently Asked Questions

The headquarters of Ipse de Bruggen is in Illinois, United States Of America

The Official Website of the Ipse de Bruggen is

The Industry type of Ipse de Bruggen is Hospital and Health Care

The overall employees at Ipse de Bruggen are 2501 - 5000

Ipse de Bruggen generates an income of 2501 - 5000 in a year

The products and services offered by Ipse de Bruggen are metrology, measurement, calibration, position feedback, industry 40, machine tools, angle encoders, linear encoders, rotary encoders, absolute encoders, magnetic encoders, touch probes, additive manufacturing, 3d printing, metal 3d printing, neurosurgery, cad, cam dentistry, medical technology, surgical planning software, raman spectroscopy, medical implants

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